Know thyself.

The Tides of Time Runs Torrents Over Our Bodies - 1

It's been over a month, huh?
What Being Hacked Taught Me
Second time's the charm, huh?

What 'The 4-Hour Work Week' Has Taught Me

It's been 2 years since I finished reading Tim Ferris's inspirational guide for digital nomads and entrepreneurs, 'The 4-Hour Work Week' and…

What NFTs can learn from CSGO skins

Damn how did I made this article this long and come up with such a cheesy ending?

5 - Margaret

Well, what do you know? I just finished another chapter!
Clipper Exchange: A Case Study
I still can't believe I could finish this since it took me 3 days to almost crack their whitepaper alone.

Predicting Concrete Volume for Pile Foundations in Karst-rich Ground

It was fun while it last
2022: A Belated Year-in Review
So it's 2023 now. It's not been a habit of mine to write year-in reviews but COVID has made me somewhat unstoppable these days so here goes:…
COVID-19: A Review
It turned out I wans't the Chosen One after all
Why Titles and Thumbnails are Overrated
If you know the first thing about running a channel (or a blog, or a podcast, or anything posted on online media platforms), you will hear…
Introducing the OG NFTs, or CS:GO Skins
Think NFT (It's 2022 so I'll assume you know what an NFT is. Hint: it's not a pixelated monkey portrait), but older, centralized, and more…

4 - Jimmy

He's not sure what lurched him from his sleep: Tommy's laughing, the sizzling bacon in the pan, or his half-finished nightmare. He had to…
Why Are Most Chinese Games So Poorly Translated
Alas, the answer is not written in the wind.

3 - Margaret

She had been turning in the bed all night. Even the slightest of sounds would flick on her nerves and keep her awake, let alone Hans…

2 - Eli

Everyone at the table had donned their versions of black attire except him. Eli was the sheriff, so his formal wear had to be his uniform…

1 - Jimmy

Honestly, why do I keep losing this post?
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